Ancient Homemade Syrup That Removes Phlegm from the Lungs and Cures Cough!

In the season of colds and flu, there’s nothing you need more than an effective remedy that will relieve the cough and take the mucus out of your lungs. This folk remedy is exactly that – beneficial and safe for both children and adults.
One of the most health beneficial vegetables on the planet is carrots. Abundant in antioxidants, carrot juice can effectively lower high blood pressure levels and even prevent diabetes. The reason why drinking fresh carrot juice is more recommended than eating it raw is that the juice packs a higher content of nutrients.

Some other health benefits of carrots include:

-Boosts immunity and prevents heart disease
-Lowers cholesterol levels
-Prevents cancer
-Prevents acne
-Excellent for skin health
-Rich in calcium
-Stimulates digestion
-Body detox agent


½ kg carrot
3-4 tbsps. honey

1-Slice the carrots and boil them in water until they soften.
2-Remove them from the heat.
3-Strain the water but don`t throw it. Let it cool off.
4-Now mash the carrots using a food processor or simply a fork.
5-Add the honey to the water and mix until well-dissolved.
6-Add the mixture to the mashed carrots.
7-Your cough syrup is ready to use.
8-Store the syrup in a cold place.
9-Take 3-4 teaspoons throughout the day. You should be able to feel the results in a day or two.
