He Drank This Beverage Every Day And Lived 152 Years

There is a homemade beverage that you can make that Norwegians owe their beauty to and infamous doctors have advised to consume for longevity of life. An Englishman by the name of Thomas Parr drank this particular drink every day and lived 152 years. This magical drink: whey.

When can be used in a person’s diet from the day you are born to the day you die. The composition is similar to breast milk which is why it can be used for infants and young children instead. In its original form, whey liquid is comprised of less than 1% of protein and 93% water. The other main ingredients include manganese, potassium, sodium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes.

Also, it is great for weight loss because there are only 26 calories per 100 grams of whey.
Here’s some tips on how to use whey:

The liver is essential for good health and whey is a power cleanser of the organ. For anyone who has a liver disease, whey is the go-to drink for every day consumption. It is comprised of beta-lactoglobulin, which allows for the body to become supplied with BCAA amino acids which fight off diseases. According to experts, supplementing the body with BCAA can help people who have cirrhosis of the liver to live longer.

Also found in whey is alpha-lactalbumin which has a lot of essential amino acid tryptophan which is helpful for enhancing the mood and promoting regular sleep. It is also rich in immunoglobulin lizosom which can help strengthen immunity which is helpful for those who have hepatitis. Lactoferrin, an anti-inflammatory, is also effective in protecting the body from harmful toxins and infection. For people with hepatitis C, their levels of cytesine are very low which can impair damage of the liver. Acting as a powerful antioxidant, the glutathione in whey can aid with chronic inflammation, sclerosis, cancer, thyroid imbalances, and Parkinson’s disease.

You can also use whey for weight loss or if you are physically active. Also, anyone who is suffering from a serious illness or is under a lot of stress can benefit from whey because of the large amount of electrolytes present in it. This also provides energy and hydrates the body which makes it more useful than any energy drinks which are harmful.

Proteins that athletes use are mainly comprised of whey raw materials. This allows for a faster recovery after a tough workout and helps with muscle growth. Whey also reduces a person’s appetite and promotes weight loss.

Research indicates that consuming whey can help with nerve health because it reduces blood pressure and blood glucose. This helps eliminate the risk of fatigue, stress, high blood pressure, and obesity if you consume whey on a regular basis.

For improving digestion, whey is also used because the lactic acid in it reduces amounts of fungus and bacteria found in the intestines. Due to the low pH levels in whey, the intestines can work more efficiently. When whey is consumed regularly, it can aid with diverticulitis, constipation, cramps, bloating, and chronic inflammation within the intestines.

According to holistic medicine dating back several years, whey can help aid with these health conditions:

Upset stomach
Reduced immunity
Obesity due to stress
Chronic fatigue

Cleansing the body of harmful materials and toxins
While there are numerous ways to prepare whey, you can actually make it at home with raw milk. It can also be purchased in markets that offer organic foods or it can also be purchased from local producers. Whey that comes from cows is good but whey from goats is better. Animals which are grass fed are often pumped full of hormones to get these products. Whey, which is a by-product of cheese, can be made in a much larger production this way and out of 10 liters of milk, a person can get 1 kilogram of cheese and 9 liters of whey on average.

To make it at home, put a liter of goat or cow milk in a pan and put it over a flame to boil. When it starts to boil, remove the milk from the stove and add juice from one lemon to it while it is still hot. Stir continuously and then leave it until it is cool.   Soon, liquid milk that is green colored will start to separate and that is the whey. You will then need to strain the liquid and keep the liquid in the glass bottle, storing it in the refrigerator.

There are diuretic properties in whey but you can drink about 1.5 deciliters three times per day. Eventually the body will get used to it and you can drink a liter a day.

In case you have issues with digestion, just mix a teaspoon of whey with a glass of water and drink it before each meal to help aid with digestion.

                                                                                  Source/Reference: Time for Natural Healthcare