Bananas are purchased more than apples or oranges, for example. These are some of their benefits:
- They lower the blood pressure
- Have anti-carcinogenic effect
- Help with weight loss
- Improve your digestion etc.
Carbohydrates that dry your weight are the main part of a banana. One banana has 110 calories which makes it a very powerful fruit in terms of energy. They also contain vitamin C, vitamin B6 and minerals: magnesium, copper, potassium, manganese, as well as fibers. After eating a banana you won’t feel hungry because of its minerals, vitamins and fibers and you will eat less of other food. People who are used to eat large amounts of food and have an increased appetite can really have a great benefit from bananas. This will certainly lead to weight loss.
Potassium is a necessary electrolyte which is included in the process of vasodilatation (the dilation of blood vessels), which lowers the blood pressure. Because bananas are rich in potassium, their beneficial effects in patients with high blood pressure aren’t surprising. Furthermore, researchers have confirmed that potassium rich diet contributes to lowering risk of dying from various causes.
Here’s the recipe for this amazing drink which melts abdominal fat!
- 1 banana
- 1 orange
- ½ of defatted yogurt
- 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
- ¼ of a teaspoon of ginger powder
- 2 tablespoons of flax-seed
- 2 tablespoons of whey protein
Blend all the ingredients in a blender shortly. Drink the juice in the morning on an empty stomach. Before taking this drink, have a glass of lukewarm water.