One of the Most Powerful Ingredients Here’s What You Can Successfully Heal with Cabbage!

Cabbage, fresh or sour, as a salad, a main course or a side dish, with meat or without it, besides beans and potatoes it is the main ingredient in our kitchen. And in some regions it is used as food and medicine as well.

Besides the fact that it has only 40 calories per 100 grams, the cabbage contains significant amounts of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and sulfur, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium. Moreover, it is particularly rich in vitamin C, and vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and K. Here are the benefits of this amazing vegetable:

It heals anemia
Cabbage is packed with mineral salts, vitamins and chlorophyll, therefore it is recommended for anemic people who should eat it raw or steamed. It would be good to drink two glasses of squeezed cabbage juice during the day.

It cures peptic ulcers
Less than three glasses of fresh cabbage juice a day are a good cure for peptic ulcers. Treatment is carried out until you get rid of the ulcer, of course, in consultation with a competent person.

It soothes hangover
It can be suppressed after taking two tablespoons of red cabbage syrup. You can make the syrup by adding equal proportion of sugar in the cabbage juice and steam it until it thickens.

It relieves cough
 Red cabbage syrup relieves cough. It is necessary to finely grate one red cabbage, mash it well and strain it. Then gently warm it to about 45 to 50 degrees and add 3- 4 tablespoons of honey and 2 deciliters of already prepared marshmallow tea. Slightly mix the mixture with a wooden spoon. When the mixture is even, let it cool down, pour it into a dark bottle and keep it in a cold place. Drink one tablespoon of the syrup several times a day.

It treats swelling and acne
If you hit yourself you can heal the swelling and bruises with the help of an old remedy. All you should do is to apply two leaves of cabbage on the affected place. Moreover, you can heal acne, lichen and some types of eczema by applying cabbage leaves or a lotion prepared from fresh cabbage juice.


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