Ingredients needed:
  •  500 grams (17 oz)of honey
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • Little bit of pepper in grains

Peel the cloves and cut them in half. Place them in a jar and add the honey. Finally, add the pepper grains.

Way of consuming:
Allow the mixture to stay for 5 days. Take one tablespoon of the resulting remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is recommended that you consume one piece of garlic and one grain pepper with each dose.

Garlic contains adenosine which protects your heart health and prevents blood coagulation. In combination with pepper and honey, garlic can protects you from nearly all diseases, including cancers and tumors. However, you will have to take this remedy on regular basis.

Black pepper improves digestion, fights against the bad bacteria in the stomach, and prevents bloating and gases.

It also aids the absorption of nutrients, particularly beta-carotene and vitamin B.

This recipe can help you lose weight as well since it has the ability to speed up the fat-burning process. It is also rich in antioxidants which fight the free radicals in your body, thus protecting you from malignant diseases.

Furthermore, it prevents water retention and stimulates the elimination of excess fluids.

It can be used internally and topically.

When used externally, it can help against bacterial and fungal infections.

This recipe has been proven effective against the following diseases:

Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Regular consumption of garlic can reduce the high blood pressure by 8%, according to studies.

Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
This health condition is characterized by fat, cholesterol and calcium buildup on the artery walls. If not treated on time, this disease can lead to heart attack and stroke. Consuming garlic regularly will prevent the plaque buildup on your artery walls.

 Against colon cancer and stomach cancer
A study conducted in China has showed that man who one garlic clove a day have decreased their chances of prostate cancer by 50%.
