This Juice Cured Gray Hair Before Any Hair Dyes Were Even Invented

As we know, graying is a normal part of the aging process.

The question is, does it happen and is there a way to prevent or delay it?

Why does it happen?

Every hair follicle has a melanin, which is responsible for the hair color. The graying process starts when the melanin cells, also known as melanocytes start to decrease or become less active.

Here is a list of some of the major factors which can contribute to premature graying:

This is commonly known as early graying and there are people whose hair turns white in their 20s. Graying and baldness is determined by the genes and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Smoking can significantly speed up the graying process. It has been proved that smokers are 4 times more prone to premature graying than non-smokers.

Lack of iron, B vitamins, untreated thyroid disorders and other health conditions can also lead to early graying.

Some medications
Some conventional medications have side effects which include change of pigmentation and other health problems.

With age, the levels of melanin are gradually decreasing. The hair starts to become gray, and eventually white.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hair can turn gray as a result of natural buildup of hydrogen peroxide in hair follicles.

Natural Solutions:

Onion Juice Mixed With Lemon Juice
Onion juice has long been used as a natural home treatment for gray hair. Onions contain an enzyme called catalase which prevents growth of gray hair.

This is another effective way to cover your gray hair safely and naturally, without side effects.
