Boil This 2-Ingredient Raw Honey and Cinnamon Mixture to Shed Belly Fat Off Your Waistline (warning don’t take too much!)

Everyone likes to lose some weight easily while watching TV or reading a book. It may sound incredible and unbelievable, but the recipe I’m about to present to you today will surely allow you to achieve that.

This amazing weight loss recipe contains only 2 ingredients-cinnamon and honey.  These two ingredients are considered as the best ones for burning fat. The experts claim that the intake of this powerful combination will allow you to receive more health benefits than consuming them separately.

  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
Apply the water on a heat and wait for it until it starts to boil. Then you can add the cinnamon powder and leave it to cool down. When it has cooled down you can add the honey. You should keep in mind that honey must be added in cold water because it will lose its health and medicinal benefits.

Drink this mixture immediately after the preparation. The best time for consummation is the morning and before sleeping.
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