Golden Milk The Healing Drink That Could Change Your Life

This pleasant and warm beverage is extremely beneficial for the spine. “Golden Milk” helps in restoring “the spinal lubricants” and rinses the salt deposits. It is useful for haematopoiesis (formation of blood cell division and differentiation of stem cells in the bone marrow), colon, nervous system and bone tissue.

The “Golden Milk” is a magic potion that also helps to extend the youth, normalizes the entire digestive system and has a beneficial effect on the liver. It also removes toxins, improves complexion and promotes longevity.

It is very effective in arthritis and arthrosis because with the consumption of “Golden Milk” you can increase the joint mobility. I must emphasize that this is very popular among Russian doctors of alternative medicine.

“Golden Milk” preparation:

For starters, prepare the turmeric paste in this way:

40 grams of turmeric powder
100-150 ml of water
Pour the turmeric powder in the water, stir and let it boil. Cook for about 8 minutes, until you have a thick content. Stir constantly. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water. The mixture should resemble as a thick yogurt.

During this time, prepare the milk:

250 ml of milk
2 tablespoons (40 ml) of crude (unrefined), almond oil (optional)
Boil the milk and add almond oil (optional).

Remove from heat and pour into a cup. Add 1 teaspoon of the prepared turmeric paste.

Sweeten with honey to your liking.

The turmeric paste can be prepared in larger quantities and for a longer period. In frozen state it can preserve its properties for 40 days. Keep the pasta in the fridge.

Add the finished pasta to the hot milk (tea) per 1 spoon, along with honey and vegetable oil (optional).

Drink the “Golden Milk” on an empty stomach, preferable in the morning and before bedtime.

Drink the “Golden milk” for 40 days. The course of treatment – two times a year, after 40 days.

Attention: those who have problems with gall bladder – better not risk it, because turmeric has a diuretic effect.

What does turmeric treat?

Modern science as well as traditional medicine highly appreciates this medicinal plant. The yellow alkaloid curcumin is the main active ingredient of the plant.

The healing properties of turmeric are explained by the fact that the hot taste of this plant can kill germs and parasites, destroy mucus deposits, grease, adhesive toxins, stimulate the blood circulation and the complete metabolism.

The bitter taste is the best antidote for poisoning, fever, inflammation, diseases of the blood and skin. It also removes sticky deposits and toxins, sores, fat, sweat, pus, itching, cleans breast milk, uterus and liver.
