These Are 3 Things That You Should Do Before You Wash Your Hair!

There are various hair tricks which you can do at home before washing hair. They can make your hair shiny, healthy and beautiful.

Here are some of the hair treatments you can do before washing your hair:

Treatment with hot oil

This simple and effective treatment will strengthen your week hair and make it soft, healthy and shiny.

Mix two types of oil

For instance, you can mix olive and almond oil. Also, you can add vitamin capsules to protect your hair from damage and prevent hair loss.

Heat the oil and gently massage the scalp, then gradually go to the ends of your hair. Wrap your hair in a foil, then with a cloth, and let it stay for 20 minutes.

Another effective treatment is the mixture made of egg yolk and yogurt. Apply the resulting mixture on your hair and allow it to act for 20 minutes. Finally, wash your hair.


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