Toxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Are Making You Fat And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them

Toxins are classified as water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble toxins are easily eliminated from the body through the blood and kidneys. Fat-soluble toxins, on the other hand, are extremely difficult to be eliminated. Here are included pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, preservatives, plastics and other chemicals which are normally present in your environment. In order to be removed from the body, these toxins first have to be turned into water-soluble. The main part of metabolic detoxification occurs in the liver, but if the GI tract and the detox pathways do not function normally, they can enter into the blood, fat cells and brain cells and stay there for years and causing irreparable damage.

Medical experts claim that if people keep their stress levels, digestion and detoxification functions in balance, they can prevent the toxins from accumulating in the body.

How It Works

After a meal, the nutritional and toxic fats are transported through the stomach in the small intestine where they become emulsified by the bile secreted from the liver and gallbladder.

The small intestine consists of millions small mucous membranes which absorb the nutritional fat and send the toxic fats to the liver in order to be properly processed. This is the natural body detoxification pathway. So, if this detox pathway is not functioning properly, the toxic fats are stored in the body.

The Most Important ½ Inch of the Body

GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) is the gastrointestinal tract`s immune system. It covers the entire intestinal tract and it is the most important half inch of the human body.

The ¼ inch on the inner side of the gut wall must contain the villi and lacteals (mucous membranes), and the ¼ on the outer side of the gut (the lymph tissue) shell not be congested.

The lymphatic system on the outer side receives all the absorbed fats back to the liver where h good fats are prepared for being used as cholesterol, hormones, cell membranes, skin and brain cells.

Further on, the toxins are properly processed by the liver and are prepared for being removed. In case when the lymphatic system is congested, the natural process of using the good fats and eliminating the bad foods is obstructed.

Symptoms of a Congested GALT which affect the lymphatic system are:

Swollen hands and feet
Extra weight around the abdominal area
Elimination problems
Breast swelling and tenderness during the menstrual period
Skin irritation and itching
Periodic headaches
Joint stiffness
There are numerous factors, such as unhealthy diet and stress, which can lead to irritation of the intestinal villi and interfere with the function of the bowels. Furthermore, too much stress can dry out the intestinal villi, which results in periodic constipation. Chronic constipation can dry out these mucous membranes, leading to formation of reactive mucus.

In case of excessive mucus production, the bowel movements can be normal (1-3 a day) but this does not mean you are healthy and you can still feel bloated and have extra fat around the abdominal area. If the mucus production becomes even more excessive, it can result in diarrhea and the bowel movements are more frequent. So, if you ever notice mucus in your stool your doctor immediately. In this situation the villi become congested and mixed up with the excess mucus.

This means that the distribution of good fats, elimination of toxic fats, the proper immune response, and the health of the intestinal skin as a barrier for toxins is obstructed. In normal cases, toxic compounds which are absorbed in the lymph are neutralized by the white blood cells whose purpose is to protect the body from infections and harmful substances. However, if there is too much mucus, the toxins go back to the liver.

To prevent this, you need to maintain a certain balance- the intestinal tract should not be too dry or too wet. Other factors which contribute to irritation include: constant stress, processed foods, soft drinks, coffee, food additives and hyperacidity.

Where Do These Toxic Fats Go?

Normal bile secretion and flow is essential for our health. Bile increases the absorption of fats and plays a vital role as an immune responder in the digestive tract. The bile bolts down bacteria, parasites, pesticides, heavy metals, and various other harmful substances.

It the diet consists of high amount of fiber, this bile will be eliminated together with all other waste. However, if the diet is deficient in fiber, almost 94% of the bile with all the toxins is reasorbed in the liver in order to be processed again. This overburdens the liver because it is not prepared for the return of these toxins.

With time, the liver becomes congested and the bile becomes thick and sludgy. This makes the hamburger, heavy metals, heavy metals and other fat-soluble toxins difficult to break down.

What Happens When the Liver Becomes Overwhelmed?

Congested liver and biliary tubes with thick bile full of toxins push the fat-soluble toxins in the bloodstream. These toxins accumulate in the fat cells where they can stay for years and lead to oxidation – a damage caused by free radicals and cell degeneration. These toxins can accumulate in any fatty tissue throughout the body, including the brain. The neurotoxins can lead to cognitive disorders and numerous health problems.

Burn Fat to Burn Toxins

This is the reason why burning of the fat cells is so important. It is not so much for weight loss, but because fat-burning process is the body`s fay of natural detoxification and it is of vital importance that we eliminate these fact cells in order to prevent the development of serious health conditions. When the nervous system is relieved from stress, the body can normally burn fats.

Food Allergies and Inability to Absorb Good Fats

Many people are unable to absorb good fats because the villi and the lymph around the gut are being congested. This is the cause of numerous food allergies, including dairy, wheat and soy allergies. These foods are referred to as heavy, difficult to digest and with high mucus content.

In case when there is excessive mucus production in the gut, and the gluten is not properly digested in the stomach and upper small intestine, the gluten causes irritation in the intestinal wall and stimulate the production of even more reactive mucus. This can seriously alter the ability of the intestinal wall to act as protective barrier in the body.


Periodic constipation, loose stools or diarrhea, and mucus in the stool are clear symptoms that certain foods that you consume obstruct the body`s normal detoxification. Therefore, you will have avoid consuming these foods, at least for some period of time.

Also, if you experience nausea or pain after eating a heavy meal, it is a sign that your bile flow is obstructed and your body is storing toxic fats. So, make sure you eat healthy diet and drink enough healthy fluids in order to have normal detoxification.
