Spray This Simple-3Ingredient Oil on Your Feet 10 Minutes Before Bed and Watch What Happens

Insomnia is a common health condition which is characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Lack of sleep is associated with numerous health conditions and can even be life-threatening when in terms.

Luckily, there are natural methods which can provide you with 8-hour sleep. Essential oils are an excellent solution to this problem. Here you will find out how to prepare natural 3-ingredient foot spray. It has powerful detoxifying properties and it is even more effective when applied on feet since the largest pores on the body are located there and therefore the absorption of the nutrients is most appropriate.

This is How to Prepare Your Homemade Spray for Sleep Improvement


  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of chamomile essential oil
  • 4 ounces of magnesium oil

Take one 4 ounce glass spray bottle and mix all the ingredients in it. Shake it gently so that the oils can properly blend. Spray the resulting mixture on your feet 10 minutes before going to sleep.

Lavender oil has soothing and relaxing effects. However, it is quite strong so you need to use it diluted. It is not recommended that you use it on your children.

This herb has powerful calming effects and is often used for treating sleep disorders.

Magnesium oil is very beneficial for both internal and external use. Technically, it may not be oil, but it is regarded as such due to its appearance and effects. It can be very beneficial for treating anxiety, cramps, sleeplessness, and digestion problems. This is especially good for people who are magnesium deficient.

                                                          Source: http://thehealthycentral.com/