This Ancient German Remedy Will Help Unclog Your Arteries, Prevent Infections, Reduce High Cholesterol And Boost Your Immune System
The following recipe originates from Germany and has been used for centuries as a treatment for many diseases from atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and fatigue to cold and infections. If you’re suffering from poor immunity or you need a liver detox this recipe is perfect for you as well.
You only need four ingredients to prepare this drink:
4 organic lemons (with the peel)
3-4 cm of ginger root or 2tbsp. grated ginger
4 garlics (large)
of water
Scrub and wash the lemons thoroughly and cut them into pieces. Peel the garlic. Take the lemons, ginger and garlic and put them in a blender. Blend until everything is combined. Pour the mixture in a pan and add the water. Bring it to boil, stirring continuously. Set it aside and leave it to cool down. When it’s cooled down strain the liquid and pour it in a bottle or jar.
Drink one glass on an empty stomach two hours before every meal for 3 weeks. After the initial 3 weeks take a one week break and start again for 3 more weeks. You can add some honey to sweeten it if you don’t like the taste.
You’ll feel the positive effects of this remedy during the first three weeks. You’ll feel refreshed, more energized and invigorated. This amazing remedy can be very effective against kidney stones and vascular congestion as well.