One of the ingredients is available during winter, which is great because that is also a season of colds and flu.
Beetroot is a very powerful ingredient because it has great anticancer properties, contains carotenoids and is a good source of folic acid. This root-vegetable has an abundance of antioxidants, which protect our organism of free radicals, premature aging and help in the fight against many different diseases. Anyway, if you combine beet-root with carrot and apple you will gain mixture filled with health. In fact, this recipe’s ingredients are one beet-root, two carrots and an apple.
The best way to prepare this recipe is to put the beet-root in a blender and mix it. Then put the resulting juice in a glass and let it stand still in the fridge for an hour. After that, add the carrot and apple juice in the beet-root juice. Drink this healthy beverage half an hour before breakfast.
It is important not to mix all ingredients at once. Beetroot should be prepared first because it needs to stay in the fridge for an hour in order for some harmful ingredients to be destroyed. If you do not do this, beet-root juice may cause nausea, dizziness and vomiting. When these substances come in contact with oxygen they lose their properties.
This beverage is great for strengthening the immune system, preventing cancer and kidney diseases and it helps in the process of healing ulcers. It also eliminates toxins from the organism, soothes menstrual pains, improves blood counts and cleanses blood vessels from fat deposits.