Your Blood Type Reveals Much About Your Health

Blood Type A – fertile, but tend to drink

This group of people is susceptible to developing stomach cancer. Women with this blood type are fertile and are able to get pregnant even in older age since the number of egg-cells of these women is slowly decreasing in time.

However, women with this blood type are prone to stomach cancer, especially if they smoke or frequently consume alcohol.  This blood type is linked to alcohol addiction and to OCDs.

Blood Type B – a higher risk of ulcers, but better metabolism

People with this blood type are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Also, they are prone to poor memory, dementia and Alzheimer`s in older age. Moreover, they are susceptible to infections and ulcers, but on the other hand, they have faster metabolism, build muscles more easily and their body reacts better to physical activities.

Blood Type 0 – lower risk of heart attack and reduced fertility

These people are less likely to suffer from heart attack or stomach cancer. On the other hand, they are prone to stomach ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Males with this blood type are prone to overweight and obesity. Females have fewer and poorer quality of egg cells and therefore their fertility is decreased. Furthermore, people from blood type 0 are resistant to stress and their level of cortisol after stressful situation quickly drops out.

Blood group AB – prone to a heart attack, but with better vision

Women from this group are prone to ovarian cancer development and pregnant women with this blood type are more likely to have high blood pressure –preclampsia. Moreover, these women are prone to heart attack, stroke, and digestive disorders such as gastritis and Crohn`s disease.

Studies have shown that their body responds very well to stressful situations and the level of cortisol easily comes back to normal after trauma. Also, they are not prone to eye disorders, according to Huffington Post.
