Dr. Seto’s Miracle Drink That Can Kill Cancer In 3 Months

This miracle drink prevents the growth of cancerous cells in your body, but also prevents their creation claims the famous Dr. Seto.

 What you need for this miracle drink is:
One Beet Root
One Carrot
An apple
Very simple, right? But beware, the foods must be organic.

Chop the foods of small pieces and put them all together in a blender or juicer and drink the juice immediately. The treatment lasts three months, and this drink should be consumed daily in the morning.
This miraculous drink supposedly saves from not only cancer, but also from many other diseases. It strengthens the immune system, prevents diseases of the liver, kidneys, strengthens the lungs, prevents heart attacks, reduces stress and inflammation of muscles, helps fight acne, and is good for improving eyesight.

                                               Source: www.homehealthyrecipes.com