The Recipe Of The Famous Russian Herbalist Is A Hit All Around The World You Can Reduce 10 Centimeters In The Waist In Only 10 Days

In a TV program, Dr. Irina Stefanovska, a famous phytotherapeutist in Russia, revealed her revolutionary remedy which helped thousands of women to melt a centimeter in the waist in a day.

The amazing fat-burning properties of this balm are due to horseradish which promotes weight loss. Usually, people use it to spice up their meals, but bearing in mind the fact that it is loaded with vitamins C, B1, B6, B12, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, this herb is also an excellent natural remedy.

Ancient Greeks used it as a remedy against back pain 1,500 years ago, and now it can help you eliminate excess water and fluids accumulate in your body.


  • 125 g of horseradish
  • 3 raw lemons
  • 3 tbsps of honey

Slice and grind the horseradish in a blender. Wash the lemons, cut them into cubes, remove the seeds and put them in a blender. Finally, add the honey and mix well. Transfer the mixture in a glass jar and keep it in your fridge.

Take one tablespoon of this mixture twice a day with a meal. You will notice the results after 3 weeks.

Apart from weight loss, this natural remedy will boost you brain function, memory, vision and hearing.

How to keep horseradish fresh?
This herb can be used throughout the year. However, you need to keep it in wet sand or in the cellar. Also, you can wrap large horseradish roots in aluminum foil and store them in the fridge.


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