Easy And Effective Tricks Against Headaches, Herpes, Toothache

Help yourself naturally if you have a headache, teeth, ear, or if you spoil the stomach, you have sores, stings of bees you, your skin is damaged by friction or sunburn – there are a few tricks that will take it easy to solve.

Instead of taking pills, try to press the tissue between the thumb and index finger or a small ledge that is located between the neck and the lower part of the head. Also, avoid light until the pain is on and put a cold compress on his head.

Will quickly disappear if you put them in a preheated slice pepper or raw onions. Helps and warm mashed port and external leaves of cabbage. Cut vegetables you can put directly on the boil. Hot black tea can also help you, if you placed it several times daily and after holding for 15 minutes.

Clove oil will provide relief, especially if the pain occurs with temperature changes in the mouth (e.g. If you eat something cold or hot). Put a few drops on the tooth, the crack or hole in it from decay. Reduce your pain to arrive at the dentist.

Pain in the ear
In the oven a good warm dish that will not break from the heat, wrap him in a towel and lie down with a painful ear to it. Be careful not to be hot but pleasantly warm. Do not fuck around with the ear no fingers or various objects.

Put a compress of whole milk, it will take away the pain and help faster recovery. Before placing such a coating leave the milk at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes. After removing the covering, the skin, rinse with water. In a pinch you will apply perfume with a high percentage of alcohol in it because it will dry out herpes.

Damaged skin due to friction
Ideally you should have with you baby powder and paint over the skin that is damaged by friction, for example. Foot by foot. But, if you do not have it, since you can be and corn flour. Spread it on the pan and warm up in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius for about ten minutes to be completely dry.

Corrupt stomach
In a glass of water, put a teaspoon of baking, stir and drink. This will neutralize stomach acid and alleviate pain in the stomach caused by the formation of gases.

Bee sting
In this case, the soda you put in a little water to get a thick mixture. To put directly on the entry site and hold for 15 to 20 minutes. I do not remove the sting and they will make the skin get more venom.

For minor burns help the lining of the whole milk or dumping sites burned in milk, about 15 minutes. Skin, then rinse with cold water to the remains of the milk does not stink. Also, the burn is not good to put under the ice water but moderately cold. Cold water then acts as a painkiller.

                                                  Source: http://healthymagician.com/

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